segunda-feira, 20 de maio de 2019

Bonfire night is a celebration in the UK. it's also called Guy Fawkes night and Fireworks night. It is always on 5th November. It's a celebration of 5th November 1605. On that day, a group of people attacked the Houses of Parliament in London.
In the celebration, people make a big fire and there are lots of fireworks. In the past, families had fireworks at home. Today people go to big public fireworks celebrations. They eat special cake and sweets. They sometimes cook potatoes in the fire. 

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quarta-feira, 15 de maio de 2019

The United Kingdom uses pounds and pence. There are 100 pence (or pennies) in one pound.

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Since 2012, Belgium, Germany and Ireland have been part of the Eurozone. These are European Union countries that have adopted the euro as their common currency. 
Other Eurozone countries are Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia Slovenia, and Spain. There are 100 cents in a euro.

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Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and The United States all use dollars and cents. 
There are 100 cents in a dollar. 
However, note that these are separate currencies: the Australian dollar (AUD), the Canadian dollar (CAD), the New Zealand dollar (NZD) and the US dollar (USD).

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quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2019


Egypt is in the African continent. It has a population of 94.6 million people. The official language of Egypt is Modern Standard Arabic, but people can speak either English or French as well.
The country has a desert climate, so it is generally hot and sunny all year round. During winter (November to January), temperatures are much milder.
Visitors to Egypt have to obtain a visa from one of the Egyptian diplomatic missions.
The Egyptian pound is the currency of Egypt.
Driving is on the right-hand side of the road in Egypt. If you plan to rent a car then car rental agencies you will need a good map and carry tour driving license.
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The UK is a multicultural country, especially in the big cities. Tourists from all over the world visit UK, but the EU and some other countries don't need a visa.
July is the hottest month in London with an average temperature of 19ºC (66º F) and the coldest is January at 5º C (42ºF). It's colder in the north and wetter in the west.
The UK currency is sterling (pounds and pence).
If you are planning on rent a car in the UK it's left-hand drive there. Be ready! And a curiosity is that you don't have to carry ID in the UK, so you don't need to carry your driving licence, passport or ID.
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